Short (Illumina or MGI) sequencing reads, first reads from pairs. The reads should be in FASTQ compressed by gzip or in plain FASTQ. This field is mandatory.
uploaded 0%
Short (Illumina or MGI) sequencing reads, second reads from pairs. The reads should be in FASTQ compressed by gzip or in plain FASTQ. This field is optional.
uploaded 0%
Long (Nanopore or PacBio) sequencing reads. The reads should be in FASTQ compressed by gzip or in plain FASTQ. This field is optional.
Task name:
The name of your task. Names make task handling simpler. This field in mandatory.
Your email. After you click on "Submit", a letter will be sent to the email. Please follow the link in the letter. This field in mandatory.
Click on the checkbox on the left to confirm that you agree with the data processing policy. This is just a formality. The only private datum of yours that we store is the email. Then, click on "Submit" one more time.